Sunday, October 15, 2006

New software, new leaf?

Wow, you'd think I'd be better at keeping up on this thing. I decided that my other software was too hard to use. Sometimes it isn't best to do it yourself. I had that software installed on my personal server but it was lame. So I transfered everything over to this one and I already like it better. We'll see if I can do better.

Anyway it's getting cold and wet. Hopefully the mountains will fill with snow soon and we can get to some snowboarding. The last time I went last season, I learned a ton. Unfortunately it was like the second to last run so I didn't get a whole lot of time to use what I had learned. I am anxious to see if it is still working for me. That's not for a few more months though.

I've been working hard on our fish club site and I think it is about where we want it so I can slow down. It has made me pretty busy. Plus I just took my Zend PHP certification exam (I passed) and so the last couple of weeks I've been busy with that as well.

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