Saturday, December 23, 2006

Deck the Halls

It's that time of year. The holidays... I have my parents coming to town tonight. It will be really weird to have them here for Christmas. Usually there is a lot of family around and multiple locations to spend time at. This year it is all at my place and it is just our family. It will be nice to have no worries about scheduling and stuff like that.

My dad and I will be working on our unfinished basement. We are focusing on our bathroom/laundry room. It will be so nice to have the whole thing finished. When it's all said and done we'll have a family room and a fish room for all my aquaculture and coral fragging and breeding and stuff.

This week has been pretty crazy at work. We are going to be moving across the street on the 29th of December. I didn't have as much warning as I would have liked but that's just the way things go. It will be soooooo nice when we are all moved. My work life should end up much less stressful. I'm glad to be taking a couple of days off. I guess that's how IT works.

Doh!! I forgot that I still need to wrap some presents...