Saturday, November 11, 2006

The little drummer boy

My 4 year old son, Stuart, has been a drummer pretty much since birth. He has always loved music. When he was 2 we would ask him how a song went and he would drum out the rhythm for us. We got him a little toy drum set from Wal-mart which he enjoyed completely. Now he is just too big to play it. He always liked to play his Uncle Adam's real drum set and was upset when he couldn't for whatever reason.

We finally decided to get him some lessons. His teacher is so impressed. He says he plays better than some of his 7 year olds. He's probably just saying that so we will continue the lessons. I think he's doing extremely well.

It was very difficult for him to practice on a toy drumset so we broke down and got him a junior set from the music store. Needless to say, he is in absolute heaven. He would play that thing nonstop if we let him. He also requires us to be in the room so that he has an audience. It is a difficult thing to ask you child to stop practicing his instrument.

This weekend there is a drum show at the mall. He was asked to bring his set and enter a drawing and stuff. There are tons of drums all throughout the mall. He has been running up and down the mall with his sticks, looking for the one he want most. Right now I think that he really wants a green one. I'm sure things will change as he gets older. Hopefully he'll look more at functionality and quality than the color.

Anyway, he's our little drummer boy...

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