Saturday, September 23, 2006

Saturday Fun

So I'm back from out little trip. We actually came back on Tuesday. It's been crazy since we got back. We had a board meeting for the fish club that went awesome. We got tons accomplished. At work we had a hard drive fail while we were making some major network changes so Friday was crazy. It took Kevin and I most of the day to get that all working again. Then today Kami had a Chorale retreat for the first half of the day. It was all good. We had a lot of fun. Then after that I went to Moscow with Jeff (a guy in our club) and talked to the fish store people about the club and stuff.

Anyway its good to be home. Now I am working on getting my 55 gallon tank ready. I need to get some work done on the stand to get the 55 gallon sump to fit. I'll be taking it to work to have someone help me with it.

I think my copepods and new phytoplanktons are doing well. I'm going to setup another tank so that we can do some clean up of some nuisance hitchhikers on our rock.

I guess that's enough for now...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Good Times

Yesterday we visited the Puyallup fair. Quite the experience. It is the Western Washington Fair. Last weekend we went to the Palouse Empire fair in Colfax. Much different. We spend about 4 hours at the fair and that wasn't enough to see everything. I could have spent more time in the commercial barn with all of the demonstrations. They were quite entertaining. There were way too many people. I think it would have been better without the kids too. After the fair we went to see my cousin's new wife and new house. He is doing quite well. He's a real character. I also got some ideas from my dad for the stand for my 55 that I'll be putting in place of my 75 at work. I have a steel stand that I need to cover with wood to make it match my hood. I think it is going to turn out well. I'll be building it tomorrow morning. Today should be a lazy sunday. Church for my parents isn't until 2:00.

Friday, September 15, 2006


WooHoo, I'm on vacation. It's been a while since I've had a chance to get away from work. At least for more than a couple of days and farther away than my house. I'm still connected though so if you read my last withdrawls. Anyhoo, we are in Olympia for the next few days visiting my parents. We are also going to visit the Puyallup fair. I haven't been there in probably 10+ years. It feels pretty nice to not have to go to work. I'll have to check my e-mail and see if anything need my attention. Some people at Decagon don't understand that Kevin, the other IT guy, actually knows how to do stuff. I don't know what I need to do to get them to go to him. Maybe I should go on vacation or something.

Monday, September 11, 2006

No I will not fix your computer

Some days I don't know why I went in to computers. I spend all day and then come home and am on a computer pretty much the entire evening. Even now, I can't leave the freaking computer alone. Kami's away at Chorale and I had the kids. Once they were in bed, on the computer racing video games. I got fed up with not winning and came upstair. What do I do? Pick up the Notebook and start hitting the fish site. I think it is actually an addiction. I wonder how long I could go without checking my e-mail or checking my forums. I bet I couldn't go 2 days. This weekend we'll be going to Olympia to see the fair. I won't be able to make it with out checking everything. All I can say is it is a good thing my parents have DSL and wireless so I'll be able to connect the notebook. Don't get me started on fixing other peoples computers. This kinda turned into a rant. I do love my job. I just wish I wasn't so dependent on these stupid machines.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Here we go...

So, I decided that I want to have a blog. I don't know if it is out of a feeling that I need to be doing what everyone else is doing or what. Next thing will be doing a podcast or something like that. I keep telling myself that no one wants to read what I have to say but I keep saying that about a journal too. Anyway, most of this will probably be about fish since that is pretty much all I think about lately. As the president of the local fish club, I feel like I have no choice. It's not a bad thing...